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Friday 15th July 2022

Seventh-day Adventist News Article

Our Outstanding achievement in our Section 48 Inspection was celebrated  and  featured in  an article in the Seventh-day Adventist News article.

Wednesday 22nd June 2022

The Voice News Article

Some of our pupils attended a ceremony to celebrate the Windrush generation and were featured in an article in The Voice.

Sunday 6th Decemeber 2020

Schools Week News Article

Our diverse curriculum was featured in an article in Schools week.

joi 21 decembrie 2017

articol Birmingham Evening Mail

După un 2017 uimitor, Haprer Bell a apărut într-un articol uimitor din Birmingham Mail!

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Sună-ne: 0121 693 7742     info      29 Ravenhurst Street, Birmingham, B12  0EJ

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Pentru ca toți copiii să-și împlinească talentele date de Dumnezeu și să aspire la o educație universitară.  

Dragoste - Învățare - Râs

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