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un mod mai excelent
0121 693 7742
Digbeth, Birmingham
The school has an explicit and aspirational vision which permeates and drives forward its Christian and inclusive service to its pupils and their families. As one pupil said, “it doesn’t matter what race or religion you are, all are welcome at Harper Bell”. At its heart the vision and associated values celebrate a biblical understanding of the value of the individual as a gift from, and created by, God.
Section 48 Inspection: Grade Excellent, July 2022
Școala Adventistă de Ziua a șaptea Harper Bell este o școală asistată voluntar, administrată de Conferința Adventiştilor de Ziua a Şaptea (NEC) din Anglia de Nord. Școala este condusă de corpul său de conducere ca parte a bisericii adventiste de ziua a șaptea (adventistă).
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